Jul 3Liked by Evey Winters

At the beginning, I was reminded of a bit of dialog in Rogue One: a Star Wars story.

The main character of the film is trying to defend her status of being politically unaffiliated, in the company of people actively rebelling against an oppressive government.

There's a lot I understand from both sides of that situation, and it's definitely a pickle.

I appreciate how you separated the "protecting your peace" by choosing what you listen to and interact with, from the [rather flippantly] telling someone "I don't need to listen to or interact with this and I'm choosing not to".

One is a valid personal choice, but the other takes it a step too far.

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Jul 2Liked by Evey Winters

THIS!!!!!!! This is why I started following you and why I’m so drawn to your energy. Your writing ability and the way you see the world and think about others is exceptional and I just love it and you. This piece in and of itself fills me with hope. Maybe not for the US but for humanity.

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That’s so kind of you to say I really appreciate the feedback

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Jul 2Liked by Evey Winters

Reading this, I was reminded of these lines from "The Year of Living Dangerously". The context was impending civil war and human suffering in an Asian country, men women and children being murdered by their government, hopelessness squared. These words came during a conversation between two main characters that revolved around what our response should be in the light of the suffering all around us: "What then must we do? We must give with love to whoever God has placed in our path. Don't think about the major issues. You do what you can about the misery in front of you. You add your light to the sum of all light.". Alone, I have no hope of changing anything in the world at large, but I can make life a little better for a handful of folks who've been victims of the world at large. Alone, each of us can add the light of our votes in November and perhaps stave off the darkness for four more years. Alone we can each pitch in alongside others to make life easier for those around us who've been victimized, marginalized, ostracized, demonized, dehumanized, and dismissed. We don't get there by sticking our heads in the sand and ignoring what's around us. I will add my light to yours. Grace and peace to you, my friend.

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Jul 2Liked by Evey Winters

Agree with you Evey.

It’s not about polarization, left and right. Politics is more than that.

In its purest form, Politics is intrinsic to the human condition : the moment you have more two people living together - you have politics.

It is about advocacy, power, self interest, altruism, protection, aggression, peace, love, hate, jingoism, nationalism, pacifism…it runs the gamut of human drive and emotion and encapsulates a large part of what makes us human. With some changes to the definition, it could also be applied to groups of animals, because it is about living in communities and the decisions that entails.

It can be both energizing and infuriating... I guess that is why people study it.

But you cannot close your eyes to it, because if you do, you are turning a blind eye to yourself. And your own existence.

Should it be filtered.? Of course, like most things that we are bombarded with every minute. It cannot however be ignored because it upsets your sensibilities.

PS- hope you are feeling better.

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Thanks for the well wishes. Not yet. It’s gonna be a while. -_-

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To me, I love how your writing opens the subject and creates understanding. What this person commented is so commonly posted, is very frustrating to read, and I’m sorry to say, for me, a tiny bit understandable. I hate the constant helplessness I feel in regard to our political system and the injustice of it all. Thanks, Evey, for this post. I appreciate you creating connections. I lift my chin and trudge forward keeping my eye on the prize, hoping you know I’m by your side.

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