This is powerful. There are people who NEED to use their platform to make amends for the harm that they've caused. But there are also so many people who are judged instantly because people on their feed tell them to or else they are also bad.

Even when someone is wrong or has caused harm, if we can't believe that someone can change and do better with what they have healed through, then like.. what's the point? We're better than that and can be better than that.

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I completely agree with you on this. I grew up in a cult. I converted others into that cult. I actively caused harm and said awful things to and about people while in that cult. Now that I'm an adult and I'm out of that situation, I accept that I caused harm. I'm working through the harmful things I've internalized and trying to make up for the harm I caused, but I can't go back and change the past. I'd like to speak out about it, but if I do, I risk losing contact with my underage siblings because my parent will feel threatened. So I have to wait until they are grown up to speak out.

The cult I was in is nowhere as organized or dangerous as scientology. We have no clue what Emily's situation is. I'm willing to give her grace on that. I appreciate that she made a statement about Masterson and how she doesn't support him or his actions. I hope at some point, she's in a safe place where she can physically distance herself from scientology, but until then, I'm ok with consuming her music. As far as I know, the money she makes from creating music isn't going into scientology, so I feel ok about it. Some folks might not agree and that's ok too. It's nuanced.

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