
I absolutely love what S created at build a bear. It’s so cute and perfect and what a great memory for everyone from the trip.

Thanks as always for sharing your insights and explaining how you navigate life.

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Oh my goodness, Evey, this is wonderful. Thank you for your bravery in writing and sharing it. You let your readers see you and it's amazing and beautiful (just like you). I'm SO glad that your trip worked out as it did. Yay, S and J! I'm really happy for you both! S, your Sarahcorn is beautiful. <3

(I'm crying now, just because I'm so happy.)

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I am so glad that everything worked out in such a wonderful way. I got the impression from J that she was really looking forward to the show, and you feeling it as a shared moment, that's truly wonderful.

And the Sarahcorn is the cutest!!!!!


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Great article and I'm glad s and j got to experience part of it too. The bear is amazing.

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I'm so glad your trip went well, and that S and J were able to enjoy the trip too! I have DID too, and I love your apartment building analogy- that's a great way to describe it. My security wouldn't let me go to NYC alone tho😅- I need a lot more therapy before that happens.

Thanks for sharing such a vulnerable point of view about doing everyday stuff with DID!

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