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Jun 7Liked by Evey Winters

Oh my dear friend. You and I are so very different in so many ways but I feel this in my soul. My own relationship with my parents is one that I wouldn't wish on anyone so the whole "mom" and "dad" thing carry connotations for me and don't mean what most people think they mean. For the longest time there were holes in my soul that I gradually filled in with others as you have done and there is no need for "mom" and "dad" and nobody would want to put themselves in those roles anyway. Not really if they understood what those titles have meant to me. And, while I have been "adopted" by kids and teens over the years, kids who are now in their 30s and some of whom still call me "dad", that is a title they gave to me, not one that I would ever presume to take for myself. It was a hard thing for me to get used to at first because of what that title meant to me growing up, but as I healed and remembered what a "dad" is supposed to be, it has become a title I wear with pride and humility at the same time, grateful that they consider me a good man and a safe person for their own kids to grow up with. Whether I am "dad" or "Mr. Tim" or whatever to them, these are names they gave to me and I am honored to receive them but I would never presume to call myself these things... I am glad you have people who love and support you. Of all the basic human needs, I think this ranks up there with nutritious food, clean water and suitable, safe shelter.

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